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Inventing the cities of tomorrow

using data and technology


DataCity Lab is a data-driven urban innovation program generating solutions for cities and citizen 

At DataCity Lab, we help cities test possible solutions to their upcoming challenges using the resources of their local ecosystem. 

We bring together large corporates and small technological companies to develop innovative solutions to the challenges faced by municipalities, through the use of data. 


We identify priority challenges common to public authorities and local companies


We identify 

existing and available data from public and private sources


We call out and select local startups to help solve the challenge


We coordinate an experimentation 

phase in which startups test solutions

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Boosting electric
vehicle charging

How can the transition to electricity for professional

vehicles be facilitated?


Reduce e-commerce deliveries impact

How to reduce the growing

traffic and air pollution in

the city caused by online shopping?

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Through DataCity we want to answer complex urban challenges collaboratively with social and economic actors. This co-creation process, in which data is used as a key resource from where to solve city challenges, helps the Administration in the development of a more liveable, resilient and inclusive city.

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Michael Donaldson

Chief Technology and Digital Innovation Officer 

@Barcelona City Council 

Demo Day

DataCity Barcelona

@BCN Mobile World Congress

February 2019 

Demo Day

DataCity Paris

@Paris Hôtel de Ville 

June 2019

Discover our current projects and join us to build more resilient and inclusive cities


DataCity Lab

Ronda de Sant Pere, 52

08010 Barcelona

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