How to support building managers in reducing energy consumption in order to comply with the Paris Climate Plan?

Today, many building managers and executive employees within Paris City Council have no information about their building’s power consumption or how it is evolving over time, nor direct incentives to reduce it. Nevertheless, they are concerned by the “Paris Climate Plan”, targeting a 10% reduction in energy consumption before 2020 through behavioural actions.
- 10%
of energy consumption
before 2020 in Paris Climate Plan
BeeBryte worked hand-in-hand with building managers to develop an intuitive energy management tool called «RDV Conso», based on user research. RDV Conso provides building managers with a dashboard and e-mail alerts, connected to real-time sensors in the building. It allows them to know in real-time and area-per-area their building’s consumption (gas & electricity) and temperature; objectify the impact of their eco-actions and the evolution of their building’s environmental footprint; get personalised advices and recommendations according to their weekly energy consumption; in the long run, receive e-mail alerts to inform them of any incident or over-consumption in their building.
BeeBryte offers a SaaS platform using AI to help commercial and industrial buildings reduce both their energy bill and their carbon footprint, through a smarter monitoring of their electrical consumption.